Sunday, November 30, 2008

Turkey Day

I just love Thanksgiving, visiting with family and eating a ton of food. Two of my favorite things to do. When you have lots of family that lives nearby it is always hard figuring out whose house you are going to. We have a system that has been working for the past few years. Every other year we go to my parents and then the next year Drew's family. So this year we all went to my parents and then next year everyone goes to their in laws. It really works out great.

Drew and Dad carving the turkey
My Thanksgiving masterpiece, maple carrots. They were really good.
The kiddie table

My sister- in-law, Tracy came up with this great idea for Mom. She brought an apron and had all the grand kids put their hand prints on it to look like turkeys. It turned out really cute!


Jene and Megan said...

It looks like you and Drew had a good Thanksgiving! I love the apron idea with the grandkids!! Genius!

Jake and Emily Hutchings Family said...

maple carrots do sound yummy! i love the hand turkeys but it looks like a huge mess to me!

The Allred Family said...

Cute little "my little turkeys" craft!